
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ocelots Journal (one)

Ocelots are allowed to be hunted in some parts of Latin America, and that's not a good sign. I was shocked when i see the website about ocelots. The information on the website said that ocelots are skinned for their fur. Although the ocelots are in the protection list in Peru and Columbia, they are still endangered. It is forbidden for ocelots to be imported into the United States without permits. One problem in Texas is that their current suitable habitat areas are spaced apart and so the ocelots who migrate are sometimes hit by cars on highways while migrating.The San Antonio Zoo is participating in a cooperative program with several Texas zoos to breed ocelots. Then they will be later put freed into the wild.There is a program by The Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute in Texas that is working to find or create new nice habitats for these wondeful cats. This program will make it less likely that ocelots will have to cross highways to get from one place to another.I think humans selfish behaviour will have a bad consequence for our future generation, to add on i would appreciate if we could protect the cute ocelots.

Information adapted from:http://www.siec.k12.in.us/cannelton/animalsunite/ocelot.htm



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