
Monday, March 30, 2009

Ocelots Summary

Ocelots are allowed to be hunted in some parts of Latin America. This tells me that ocelots are not at all protected in all parts of the world! I do not think that, that is a good sign! There is a program from the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, they help to conserve the Ocelots, by creating new habitats for the ocelots. Ocelots are also killed by drivers that accidentally ran on them, this lead to the death of the ocelots. The ocelots have a wonderful life, they can walk steadily at night, smell much better than humans. Bad thing is that they are killed for their beautiful fur, I do admit that their fur is very beautiful. Their fur is beautiful but they should not be killed. They killed by skinning their skin, even talking about that I feel the pain already. Imagine if I try skinning myself, I will shout out loud and cry like a baby. Before being skinned I would faint already. You may think that it is funny, but is really very seriously painful. We could even keep them as pets! They are excellent swimmers too. Ocelots can make a wonderful pet. Won’t you find it weird when u wears the skin from them? They don’t look well on you, it only look good on the ocelots. They are cute, they even feed on cute animals. They are the most wonderful animal that I had come across in my life! I wish I could be an ocelot, but after I know that people keep killing them, I am really angry about! I do not understand why, just because they are beautiful? the ocelots can walk at night better than anyone else, they are not active in the day but active at night. They eat animals that are small and weaker than them. Ocelots are twice the size of a normal cat. They such wonderful animal, so don’t kill anymore of them, conserve them!

(340 words)


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ocelots Journal (five)

Like all small cats, ocelots have very good eyes and hearing. Their eyes have a special layer on the inside that collects light, so ocelots can see much better in the dark than human can. It is as easy for an ocelot to walk around at night as it is for you to walk around during the day! Aren't they marvelous? i wish i could be an ocelot, so i could be able to be a specialist to walk at night. Their sense of smell is a lot better than a human’s but not as good as a dog’s. Although their sense of smell is not as good as a dog but they could be better than us! I think the ones that should me killed will be us! Such bad behavior is not to be tolerated!

Ocelots prey on rodents, birds, snakes, iguanas and other lizards, baby peccaries, young deer, rabbits, and even fish! See! They don't even prey on us, why are we preying on them? As i had said they are so cute and marvelous creatures, we should conserve them to beautify our life!

After reading all i have writen, what do you feel? I hope that you will feel guilty of all this! You should not think that you never kill it, but you still buy their fur! Isn't this move telling all the hunters that you are interested in the fur? So stop buying or killing it! Be considerate! That's all i have to say!

Information adapted from:http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/t-ocelot.html


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ocelots Journal (four)

The design on their helps to camouflage them in the wild, and I think that the printing on them are awesome. It really suits the Ocelots well. But humans because of their greed are hunting them for their skin which I seriously think looks weird when worn on a human. Why do people wants to have the Ocelots’ skin on them?Do they want to become a Ocelot? It is really ridiculous.

The main habitats are the forests and grassy planes of South and Central America. This habitat of thick brush has been declining over the years. The Ocelot is an excellent climber and will spend much of its time up in trees. It is also a great swimmer, but prefers to hunt on the ground.

One problem in Texas is that their current suitable habitat areas are spaced apart and so the ocelots who migrate are sometimes hit by cars on highways while migrating. I was sad when I saw this. Maybe the government can build a fence to prevent the Ocelots from going out of their habitat.Even when drivers are driving their cars they should be vary of the Ocelots. They should be alert and look out for not just the Ocelot but also other animals so they will not hit them and cause the animal to die.

Humans should reflect on their behaviour and put themselves in the Ocelots shoes.

Information adapted


Ocelots Journal (three)

I feel that Ocelots are a very beautiful and elegant animal. The ocelots are twice the size of an average cat. They are nocturnal and have a keen sight and hearing.Unlike normal cats instead of hating to gonear water,they are excellent swimmers.

Like any other cats,they eat meat.. They have pointed fangs used to deliver a killing bite, and sharp back teeth that can tear food like scissors. Ocelots do not have teeth appropriate for chewing, so they tear their food to pieces and swallow it whole. Their raspy tongues can clean a bone of every last tasty morsel. I think that it will be extremely hard for us to just swallow our food just 1 mouthful. We might even choke.

Ocelots are a protected species in united states and other places which they live. They are being traded illegally.

With their fine skin and cute appearance, Ocelots make a very popular house pets, but I think that Ocelots have a wild nature and should be free to roam the wild not being locked in a house. They should be in the wild hunting for food and running around, instead of being fed with whatever food we give them. If people continue to do this the Ocelots might lose their hunting nature and stated relying on humans to feed them.

Further more with such a cute appearance don't you think that they should be more of them in the wild for people to admire,instead of being admire by just the owner who have them as pets.

Information adapted


Ocelots Journal (two)

Ocelots are members of the cat family. Their beautiful fur is a creamy color covered with reddish-brown spots lined in black. They have two stripes extending from the inside corner of their eyes and over the back of their head. Ocelots are about 30 - 41 inches long and weigh 15 - 30 pounds. Ocelots are carnivores whose eats mostly on primarily of rabbits, small rodents, and birds. They hunt at night and spend the day resting in brush so thick that the only way a person can move through it is by crawling. Ocelots live in an area of about 1 to 4 square miles. Females prepare a den for their babys in thick brush. Mothers go out at night to hunt, but accompany each day with their kittens at the den. The kittens begin hunting with their mother when they are about 3 months old. They stay with her until they are about a year old. Ocelots can live 20 years in maximum. What do you think about the ocelots life? They actually has good habitat, but now these habitats are distroyed by us. This cause the ocelots homeless, think of this i felt dissappointed to myself.

Information adapted from:http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/wild/species/ocelot/


Ocelots Journal (one)

Ocelots are allowed to be hunted in some parts of Latin America, and that's not a good sign. I was shocked when i see the website about ocelots. The information on the website said that ocelots are skinned for their fur. Although the ocelots are in the protection list in Peru and Columbia, they are still endangered. It is forbidden for ocelots to be imported into the United States without permits. One problem in Texas is that their current suitable habitat areas are spaced apart and so the ocelots who migrate are sometimes hit by cars on highways while migrating.The San Antonio Zoo is participating in a cooperative program with several Texas zoos to breed ocelots. Then they will be later put freed into the wild.There is a program by The Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute in Texas that is working to find or create new nice habitats for these wondeful cats. This program will make it less likely that ocelots will have to cross highways to get from one place to another.I think humans selfish behaviour will have a bad consequence for our future generation, to add on i would appreciate if we could protect the cute ocelots.

Information adapted from:http://www.siec.k12.in.us/cannelton/animalsunite/ocelot.htm


About me

My name is Pauline Lau (13)Respect One. I going to write about animal conservation, my group and i choose ocelots to be our main topic. We find that ocelots are cute but sad that they are endangered. Now i should tell you about my feelings about this. My group members are Elizabeth Wong, Ong Yi Lin, Toi Min Shean and Wong Chee Kang.
